Thursday, November 24, 2011

So, just like everyone else I am also doing a Black Friday Sale.  I have never liked getting out in the crowds to fight my way through a store to get those envied sales items.  So, I always have resorted to the internet.  It is my easy way out - no stores, no people, no lines.  Anyway yesterday I told you that I was working on a elf Christmas stocking and here it is....

Each stocking is personalized.

I also have this peasant tunic list on my Facebook fan page.  I made one of these for my daughter, my niece and my granddaughter to wear to church last Sunday and they thought they were just awesome in them.

I love the detail these fabric flowers add to this dress.

I can't wait to start on the new outfits I have planned for the girls to wear Sunday.  I have been so busy the last few months with homeschooling and I have been blessed to have so many orders come my way that the girls winter wardrobe had to be put on hold.  Now is their between orders and school of course LOL.
I hope you all have a great weekend, don't fight the crowds too much, and be safe!!!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I finished up all my orders this week and I was soooo happy.  Of course that only lasted one day.  After I delivered the majority of my orders and got home I had more waiting on me.  Trust me - I am so Thankful they were waiting. I appreciate each and everyone of my customers.  They always make me feel so good about the work I do, and don't complain if I get inspired and get a little creative with their order from time to time. Thank you.  So, I wanted to show you a few more pictures of my recent orders. My husband took the pictures for me.  I was so busy trying to finish up the other night, that I didn't have time and he so graciously agreed to help me.  He did a great job. Thank you Hugh!!!

I have put this ribbon Santa on everything.  My customers love it!! My Christmas Clause as I like to call it.

I love Zebra stripe!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE
I am working on Christmas stockings today, so I'll try to post them this evening.  If you have time stop by my facebook fan page and check out some other items.  I sure would appreciate it.  Have a great day!!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

I am back up and at em..I've have been working non-stop (seams like it---NOT really) the last few days trying to get caught up.  Most of my orders have been t-shirts, but every now and then I get to throw a pair of ruffled pants in to match a shirt.  Today I finished up an outfit I've been working on for a customer. and I am absolutely amazed. I LOVE IT!!!  I'm a sucker for cute outfits, but this one is too C U T E!!!  I've been sewing for my children for years and I love tradition, but I love all these new boutique items that are coming out too.  Most of the time if I do something that's not tradition its because someone request them..which is where this one came from.  Only now I think my girls are going to have one for Christmas themselves now, instead of something more tradition (as usual).  Anyway enough's the picture

Ruffled Sleeves with rick rack at top and bottom.  Bow on each arm.
Ribbon Santa Applique

This is a three piece set that includes a swing top that has adjustable straps, ruffled sleeve t-shirt that has rick rack and bows on each sleeve, and ruffled pants to match.  Honestly my photography lacks BIG time..and these pictures come no where to doing this outfit justice.  However if your interested in this outfit or one like it, feel free to come by my etsy shop and check out this listing.

See you soon!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I love Christmas.  I love the food, family, decorating, the makes me feel all warn and cozy inside.  I don't want to skip Thanksgiving though, so I'm working on fall orders.

Love Love Love This...Brown zebra print and orange.

I have started on Christmas T-shirt with a few outfits to follow............When I saw this design from applique corner I had to have it.  I kidda hem hawed around for a few days then I dove in with both feet and some ribbon.

 I just had to do something a little different so I made this shirt just because (my kids don't like it when I say that "just because").

These were a customer order who absolutely loved them.  He also has a set like this with a pumpkin instead of a Christmas tree.
If you like anything you see here head on over to my facebook page and check out my page and my e-shop.  Most of my orders are custom, so don't be afraid to ask.

Have a fabulous Night!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today has been a long day and a very productive one as well.  I was such a good mom. Started out by making homemade biscuits and gravy, then went on to their school work..  During quite time I started on some mending I had to do (hem pants for my wonderful oldest daughter).  While doing all this I managed to straighten the house while my also wonderful husband washed clothes.  This all done by lunch time and the day just went on from there.  To make a long day a little shorter I managed to get a little sewing in.
This is the cutest top I think I have ever made!!!

This was my favorite project of the day....ruffled socks.

This was actually an outfit I made Tuesday night, but its so cute I had to share it.  Nella wore it to the fall festival at the preschool and everyone had hissy fits over it!!!!

 So now its 11:30 and I am exhausted and ready for bed, but I can't seem to stop thinking about what I want to start on tomorrow.  I'm sure it will come to me when I sit down to my sewing machine and start to work TOMORROW.

Have a great night

Monday, October 24, 2011

My husband and I have been over the local toy bowl in our community for the last 4 years.  Tonight was our last game of the season.  We love being able to support our children and our niece and nephew. The boys seem to have football in the blood while the girls live to cheer.  Our whole family loves football from pee wee to pro football. It is so bad that our 3 year old grand daughter walks around most of the day doing cheers or getting down to hike a football LOL. However now its time to get back to my other passion sewing.  I have so many ideas floating around in my head its unreal.  I just hope and pray at some point I actually get to make them.  So wish me luck and keep checking in to see what's new.

Have a blessed Day

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nellaboos Facebook page is trying to get 350 to encourage you to send out invites I am going to give away a Christmas t-shirt  if we can reach that goal by November 15.  So go on over the Nellaboos and send out those invites.

Have a blessed Day

Friday, October 21, 2011

I have been trying to come up with an idea for a sewing tutorial..just haven't been able to settle down to do one.  I want to do one that is different from everything that is on the web these days.  There are tons of peasant top, pillowcase, and pants tutorials, so I really don't think we need another one.  Though you guys might want to throw a few suggestions out there.

Have a blessed day

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I love fall.  The cool weather sets in and I want to start hibernating.  It also gets my creativity going.  Today's outfit was a customer inspiration (Thank you Misty).

After I took this picture I went back and added orange rick rack and bows to the sleeves of the shirt. It really made the outfit.  If you like this outfit drop by my Facebook page Nellaboos.  Information for ordering this and other outfits can be found there.

Talk to you Soon

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here is a sneak peak at the outfits I will be posting on my Facebook page tomorrow. Boys and girls outfits for your very special little one. My granddaughter wanted to try everything on and couldn't understand why the new thing Nana was making were not hers.  She only has to be patient for a few more days ;)
Jon Jon's - great gift idea for the holidays
Girls Love their bows.  I know mine do!!!
This was ordered by a friend for her little girl.  My granddaughter couldn't understand why this one wasn't hers.

Cute, Cute, Cute.......
I absolutely love this dress.  It reminds me of the ones my mom would dress me in.

The perfect Alabama Football Dress!!!

Have a wonderful evening!!!Talk to you soon.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How about some game day inspiration for those of us here in the great state of Alabama.  We are definitely a house divided, but we all love our football.

Come on over to Nellaboos and order one for your little one.  I can also put these logos on t-shirts and Jon Jon's for boys.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It has been a while since I've been able to post...I'm so sorry. I've been dealing with a few health issues and I've been in doctor's offices more lately than I've been at home it seems. I have still been working when I could. Finished these up a few months ago and the girls loved them..

Then from that came this one....

I made this one for my granddaughter and she loves it....constantly wants to wear it. Its made out of purple striped seersucker fabric and its so light and cool.

Now on to my next project...I have an idea for an apron type top with pedal pusher pants that tie at the bottom...Lord please let me figure this one out without my head exploding.

Talk to you soon....Eva

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Last Saturday my goal was to make the girls a dress for Church. Well, it didn't work out that way. My goal then was to do them on Monday. That didn't happen either. I wanted a peasant style dress. I wanted just a straight dress with no yoke or waist. Anyway so I over-thought the pattern making process and then started dreading making the pattern. Today I overcame my dis-pare and made it. IT WAS SO EASY...I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I WAS STRESSING! I took me 3 hours to make two different size patterns and make 3 dresses. Toooooo easy. Anyway the girls have new dresses to wear to church tomorrow and after I posted them on my FB page I sold quite a few of them, so Yea Me!! Now I guess you want to see pictures right.... here you go.

This one is for Sarah Beth....real girly.

Nella Brook's....cute for a little 2 year old.

Emily's.....she 10 now, so she has to wear things that make her look older.

Now its time for me to chill for a few hours and head to bed. I've got a few more ideas I'm going to work on for next week. Also I'm considering doing a tutorial...what do you think? Please let me know.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Here in North Alabama today has been a dark rainy day. Even though all we have seen in the last month is water (or some form of it) I am going to make the best of it. Every day is a blessing. Sooooooo......this morning school was delayed 2 1/2 hours (my oldest son who is a senior is still in public school) so I decided I was going to make homemade cinnamon rolls. I did wake up a little late so Matthew will have to wait until he gets home from school to have his. They looked and tasted awesome. Just what I needed to get me through another wet day.


Then I decided to make an apron that I picked up at Wal-Mart yesterday. Too cute, I tell you.

So...I have had a very full day. It's 4:00 here in Alabama, still raining,today is my nieces 10th birthday (Happy Birthday Emily!!!!), and I'm ready for a nap:) So, for everyone that is tried of the snow, ice and rain, just make the best of it and enjoy your day. God Bless!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

 Ok so my plan today was to make the girls a dress for church tomorrow.  The boys went fishing, so I had my day planned out just the way I wanted.  Guess what----it didn't work out that way.  Sarah Beth's best friend, Macy, and Emily came to spend the night so instead we spent the day watching movies and making girl gourmet cakes.

This was Sarah Beth's.
This is Emily's.

This one is Macy's.

So now the plan is to start the kids on their school work Monday morning and work on the dresses for next Sunday.  Just shows you no matter how much you try to plan your day out it doesn't always work out the way you want it to.
